Stimulated by the requisition to linked necessary purchases abroad with the largest possible\nreturn of investment let for years the so-called offset businesses grow. These requests for\noffset-obligations occurs mainly in the area of arms imports and covers the full range of\nindustrial and commercial benefits as incentives or conditions for the purchase of military\ngoods and services The companies affected by the implementation of such complex\noffset-obligations are then often overstrained. In particular, because offset requires at the\nlower stages of the value chain a temporary linking and steering of common business\nprocesses. This necessary integration of the various business processes leads at all process\nlevels to problems due to the very different required Offset-Readiness of the involved\ncompanies. The aim of this paper is the development of a concept for the temporary linking\nand steering of offset-affected business processes in the Value Chain Network. This\nexamination was triggered through an overall research project on the impact of offset to the\nbusiness processes of Small and Medium Enterprises. During the necessary Pre-Study for this\nresearch project, first indications appear that by offset affected companies in the lower stages\nof the value chain have problems with the necessary temporary linking and steering of joint\nbusiness processes. The paper concludes with a new developed concept for the temporary\nlinking and steering of offset-affected business processes. The pro�s and con�s for this\nproposed concept are described as well and from today�s point of view can be seen that\nfurther investigations required.